Using the right service for a particular requirement is the optimum solution. For this reason we offer our dedicated hosting plans for use with dedicated domain registrars. There are many domain registrars available, and which one you choose is your own decision. A short-list of domain registrars might include:,,, among many, many, others.

Recall that most domain registrars will also offer you cheap hosting solutions, and that you get what you pay for. We specifically offer economically priced standalone or managed wordpress hosting only as a specialized service.

The usual scenario is that you simply take your existing domain, and use your name registrar’s facilities to point to our hosting servers. Naturally we’ll assist you with your DNS configuration if you need help with this.

An alternative free option, if you don’t have a domain name of your own, is to use a unique subdomain of This option is only supported with a managed plan and you may want to discuss this with us first.

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